Monday, January 9, 2012

My life as a Spiritual Advisor

First I need to introduce myself, as I am sure you would like to know who I am!.....My name is Chrystel and I have been a Spiritual Advisor for over 30 years.I was born and raised in the south of France in the beautiful town of St. Raphael. I can honestly say that my mother was an intuitive as well as my nephew who practiced spiritism, my sister a tarot reader and an intuitive, and my brother a "magnetiseur". I will like to share with you one of my experience that marked me the most all my life ...
My very first experience goes back long ago as a child before my father passed away. My parents were visiting Asia and I was staying with an older lady that was very much part of our family. I will always remember laying in my bed awake in the dark, I could not sleep because my parents were absent, when suddenly the vivid apparition of 3 nuns standing before me were praying aside my bed with a rosary in their hands.I could hear them whisper and praying. I was petrified and didn't dare to move. They stayed there a very long time, perhaps more than thirty minutes and I also knew that something very tragic was about to happened, not to me, but someone in my entourage, and sure enough when my father came back from his trip died from a heart failure, I was seven years old, and I will never forget it... Later throughout out my teenage years repetitive different kind of apparitions were something of an habit! I also started to get a strong interest in tarot reading and pendulum reading, and discovered that this method of divination came to me naturally
Since, through out my life as a spiritual advisor I have been using a couple of tools to connect through the spirit world, first my intuition and psychic abilities, but also the tarot cards and the pendulum dowser. The pendulum is used by physicians in France to assist them to make diagnoses, in Europe is an official science known as Radiesthesia, just like radio that picks up unseen radio waves, the pendulum is a powerful antenna that receives information from the vibrations and energy waves emitted by people, thoughts and places. I use this method quiet often for a no/yes answer. Tarots cards is a tool for divination that has been used for centuries , deeply rooted in medieval and renaissance Europe, I can give you in insight of what the future could bring you and give you clarity of mind when sometimes you may come to a cross road and need some answers.
I know I can help you through difficult decisions making such as troubled relationships, career orientation, personal and psychological issues. It is my gift to you to have the ability to be able to help you . So please feel free to contact me. I can't wait to meet you!